Source | Target | 制动平均有效压力 | brake mean effective pressure, mean effective pressure | 制动平衡 | brake balance, brake-force distribution, brake-power balance | 制动性能 | brake performance, brake power, braking power, stopping power | 制动控制 | brake control | 制动控制阀 | brake control valve, brake valve, braking valve | 制动油耗率 | brake specific fuel consumption, specific fuel consumption | 制动活塞皮碗 | brake-piston cup | 制动液 | brake fluid | 制动液控制灯 | brake-fluid control light, brake-fluid level control light | 制动液贮存箱 | brake-fluid reservoir | 制动点 | braking point | 制动电路 | brake circuit | 制动盘 | brake disc, brake disk, disc plate, disk plate | 制动稳定性 | brake stability, braking stability | 制动空气压缩机 | brake air compressor | 制动管路 | brake conduit, brake line, brake tube | 制动系统 | brake system, braking system | 制动补偿 | brake compensation, brake-power compensation | 制动衬片 | brake lining, brake-shoe lining, drum-brake lining | 制动衰减 | brake fading | 制动试验台 | brake tester | 制动调整扳手 | brake-adjusting spanner, brake-adjusting wrench | 制动调节器 | brake adjuster, brake-shoe adjusting device | 制动距离 | braking distance, stopping distance | 制动路径 | brake path, braking distance, stopping distance | 制动踏板 | brake pedal | 制动蹄张开凸轮 | expander cam | 制动软管 | brake hose | 制动轴 | braked axle | 制动钳 | brake calliper | 制动锚销 | brake anchor | 制止 | arrest, retain | 制止器 | arrester, limiter, stop | 制造 | make, manufacture | 制造商 | constructor, designer | 制造缺陷 | defect in manufacturing | 刷架 | brush holder, brush-plate holder | 刷洗式洗车 | brush-type car wash | 刹车灯 | brake light, stop light | 刹车灯开关 | stop-light switch | 刹车片 | brake pad, disc pad, disk pad, friction pad, lining pad | 刹车线 | hand-brake cable, parking-brake cable | 刻划 | score, scratch | 刻度 | graduation, scale | 前保险杠 | front bumper | 前围侧板 | cowl panel, cowling, cowling panel, scuttle board | 前壁 | front wall | 前大灯灯泡 | head-light bulb | 前室 | antechamber, prechamber, precombustion chamber, secondary combustion chamber | 前座椅 | front seat | 前护盖 | front fender, front mudguard, front wing | 前挡玻璃清洗器 | front-screen washer, front-shield washer | 前挡玻璃雨刮器 | front-screen wiper, front-shield wiper | 前束 | toe-in | 前柱 | front pillar, front post, front-screen pillar, front-shield pillar, front-screen post, front-shield post | 前照灯 | low beam, low mode, lower beam, meeting-beam light | 前端 | face, front, front end | 前端辛烷值 | front octane number | 前置式发动机 | engine at the front, front engine | 前置式驾驶室 | behind-engine cab, cab-behind-engine, conventional cab, normal control |
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