Source | Target | 变形 | deformation |
变更 | alter, change |
变色 | discoloration, discolouration |
变速器 | gearbox, transmission |
变速器主轴 | gearbox main shaft, gearbox output shaft, transmission main shaft, transmission output shaft |
变速器识别号 | gearbox-identification number, transmission-identification number |
变速杆 | selector, selector lever |
变速杆捏手 | gear-change lever knob, gear-lever knob, gear-shift lever knob |
变速滑槽 | shifting gate |
变速箱 | shift dog |
变速装置 | gear-change mechanism, gear-control mechanism, gear-shift mechanism |
变速触销 | selector finger |
变速齿轮箱 | gear-change box |
口 | mouth |
口径 | caliber, calibre, dial gage, dial gauge |
只读存储器 | read-only memory (ROM) |
可伸长的 | extendible |
可倾斜的 | tiltable, tilting |
可变喉管化油器 | variable-choke carburetor, variable-choke carburetter |
可变形的 | deformable |
可变换的 | cabriolet, convertible, drop-head |
可循环再用的 | recyclable |
可折叠车顶 | cabriolet top, convertible top |
可折迭备用轮胎 | collapsible spare wheel |
可拆卸的 | detachable, removable, separable |
可操作的 | operable, operational, serviceable |
可操控性 | controllable |
可操控的 | controllable, steerable |
可收回的 | retractable |
可滚动接触的径向轴承 | annual bearing with rolling contact, journal bearing with rolling contact |
可焊性 | weldability |
可燃混合物 | combustible mixture, fuel-air mixture |
可用性 | serviceability, feasibility |
可用的 | operable, serviceable |
可疑的 | suspectible |
可移动的 | mobile, movable, transportable |
可读性 | readability |
可调减震器 | adjustable shock absorber |
可调后视镜 | adjustable rear mirror |
可调头枕 | adjustable head rest |
可调式空气避震机 | air-adjustable shock absorber |
可调扳手 | adjustable spanner, adjustable wrench |
可调整的 | adjustable, regulable |
可调电阻器 | adjustable resistor, regulating resistor |
可调的 | adjustable |
可调聚光灯 | adjustable spot lamp, adjustable spot light, search light |
可调转向柱 | adjustable steering column |
可调靠背 | adjustable back rest |
可躺座椅 | reclining seat |
可躺的斜椅座位 | reclinable seat, reclining seat |
可达性 | accessibility |
可锻铸铁 | malleable iron |
可闭锁的 | lockable |
可靠性 | reliability, security |
可靠的 | reliable, safe |
台式钻床 | bench drilling machine |
台用锤 | bench hammer, fitter's hammer |
右 | right |
右侧 | right side |
右座驾驶 | right-hand drive, right-hand steering |