Source | Target | 导热硅脂 | silicone paste | 导热系数 | coefficient of heat conduction, coefficient of thermal conduction | 导管 | conduit, shell | 导线 | conducting wire | 导航屏幕灯 | map light, map reading light | 导航系统 | navigation system | 导轨 | guide rail, slide rail, sliding rail | 导轮 | jockey pulley, tension pulley, tension roller, tensioner pulley, tightener pulley | 导轴衬 | pilot bushing | 封密条 | sealing strip, weather seal, weather strip | 封盖 | flap, hatch | 封装 | encapsulation, enclosure | 封闭式冷却系统 | closed-circuit cooling system, sealed cooling system | 射束校准器 | beam setter | 射流 | jet, submerged jet | 将(金属)锻压成薄片 | laminate | 小伞齿轮 | bevel pinion, drive pinion, pinion gear | 小型公共汽车 | minibus | 小头 | small end | 小容器 | pocket | 小推车 | dolly | 小时 | hour | 小行李 | small baggage, small luggage | 小齿轮 | pinion, rack pinion | 小齿轮和齿条转向装置 | pinion-and-rack steering, rack steering, rack-and-pinion steering | 小齿轮轴 | pinion shaft | 尖冲头 | drifting tool, pin punch | 尺 | rule, ruler gage, ruler gauge | 尺寸 | measure, size | 尺寸精度 | accuracy in size, accuracy of measurement | 尼龙 | nylon | 尾卸式自动倾卸车 | end tipper | 尾架 | tail stock | 尾管 | tail pipe | 尾管延长管 | tail-pipe extension | 尾轴架 | A-bracket, tow bar | 尾部挡板减震器 | tail-gate damper | 尾重 | tail heavy | 尿烷 | urethane | 层数 | ply-rating number | 屈挠区 | flexing zone, side wall | 屈服应力 | yield stress | 屈服点 | yield point, yield stress | 屏蔽线 | wire screening, wire shielding | 展示样车 | demo car, demonstration car | 履带齿轮 | crawler gear, creep gear, creeper gear, traction gear | 峰值负荷 | load peak, maximum load rating | 嵌入阀座 | inserted valve seat, valve insert, valve ring, valve-seat ring | 巡航速度 | cruising speed, operating speed | 工作 | work | 工作压力 | working pressure | 工作台 | work bench | 工作台夹钳 | bench screw, bench vice, bench vise | 工作成本 | operating costs, operating expenses | 工作手套 | working glove | 工作故障 | operating trouble | 工作条件 | operating conditions, working conditions | 工作温度 | operating temperature, service temperature, working temperature | 工作电压 | operating voltage, working voltage | 工作行程 | working travel |
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