Source | Target | 弯曲半径 | bend radius, bending radius, radius of bend | 弯曲应力 | bending stress | 弯曲的 | bending | 弯曲荷载 | bending load | 弯的 | bent, buckled | 弯矩 | bending moment, moment of flexure | 弱电流 | weak current | 弹出式头灯 | pop-up head light | 弹回 | spring | 弹性 | resilience | 弹性变形 | elastic deformation | 弹性垫圈 | elastic washer, flexible washer, spring washer | 弹性模量 | elasticy module | 弹簧 | coil spring, retracting spring, spiral spring | 弹簧作用 | action of the spring | 弹簧元件 | spring element | 弹簧卷耳 | rolled end of the spring, spring eye | 弹簧压具 | spring compressor | 弹簧圈 | spring ring, spring washer | 弹簧夹 | spring clamp | 弹簧夹头 | collet chuck | 弹簧帽 | spring cap, spring pad, spring retainer, spring seat | 弹簧扩张器 | expander spring, spreader | 弹簧承载 | spring load, spring tension | 弹簧架 | spring support | 弹簧秤 | spring balance | 弹簧舵扇 | quadrant spring | 弹簧螺帽 | speed nut | 弹簧行程 | spring travel | 弹簧钢 | spring steel | 弹簧频率 | spring frequency | 弹跳座椅 | flip-up seat, jump seat, tip-up seat | 弹黄压力计 | spring manometer | 强制加油 | forced-oil lubrication | 强制换档 | forced down shift, kick-down | 强制润滑 | forced-feed lubrication, forced-flow lubrication, positive lubrication, pressure lubrication | 强制进料 | forced feed, pressure feed | 强制风冷 | forced air cooling | 强度 | strength | 强度计算 | calculation of strength | 强电流 | heavy current, intense current | 形成 | form, mold, mould, shape | 形状精度 | accuracy of form | 形销 | clevis pin | 径向压力 | radial pressure | 径向流动 | radial flow | 径向的 | radial | 径向轴承 | radial bearing | 径向间隙 | radial clearance, radial play | 循环 | cycle, cyclic process | 循环冷却 | circulation cooling | 循环泵 | circulation pump | 循环润滑 | circulation lubrication | 微型开关 | microswitch | 微型计算机 | microcomputer | 微处理器 | microprocessor | 微小变动 | easy-change | 快式接口 | quick-acting coupling, quick-connect coupling, quick-release coupling | 快蜡 | quick wax | 怠速系统 | idle system, idling system, pilot-air system |
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