Source | Target | 急刹车 | crash halt, panic braking, panic stop |
急救 | First Aid |
急救座垫 | cushion first-aid kit, first-aid cushion |
急救箱 | first-aid box |
性能 | property |
总尺寸 | overall dimensions |
总线 | bus bar, cable duct, cable guide, cable-insulating tube, cable tube |
总重 | gross weight, total weight |
恒值 | constant value |
恒压弹簧 | brush spring |
恒星齿轮 | sun gear, sun wheel |
恒温控制 | thermostatic control |
恒电流 | continuous current, direct current, unidirectional current |
恶劣天气照明 | adverse-weather light, fog light, front fog light, mist light |
悬吊点 | point of suspension |
悬挂几何结构 | suspension geometry, wheel geometry |
悬架 | suspension, wheel suspension |
悬架刚度 | wheel rate |
悬架定位 | suspension alignment, track alignment, wheel alignment |
悬臂 | cantilever, floating, self-supporting |
悬臂弹簧 | cantilever spring |
惯性 | inertia, resistance against motion |
惯性刹车 | inertioa brake, loading brake, overrun brake |
惯性滚动条式安全带 | inertia reel belt, retractor safetybelt |
惯性矩 | moment of inertia |
惰性气体保护焊 | inert-gass shielded arc welding |
惰性的 | inert |
惰轮 | idler gear, idler, intermediate gear, stud wheel |
感光的 | light-depending, light-sensitive |
感应 | induction |
感应淬火 | induction hardening |
感生电压 | induced voltage |
感生电流 | induced current |
慢车喷嘴 | off-idle jet |
戊烷 | pentane |
成型橡胶 | profile rubber |
成套零件 | parts set |
成形工具 | forming tool |
成形铣刀 | profiling cutter |
成比例的 | proportional |
截断阀 | cut-off valve, lock valve, shutt-off valve, stop valve |
截管器 | tube cutter |
截面图 | sectional drawing |
房车 | mobile home, motor home, recreational vehicle |
扁尖凿 | cape chisel, cross-cut chisel |
扁平的 | flat |
扁锉 | flat file |
扇形 | sector |
扇形面 | sector, segment |
手制动拉杆 | hand-brake lever, parking-brake lever |
手制动指示灯 | hand-brake control light, parking-brake control light |
手制动阀 | hand-brake valve |
手刹车 | grip brake, hand brake, pull-on brake, ratchet brake |
手动千斤顶 | hand screw |
手动换挡 | manual gear control, manual shifting |
手动的 | manual |
手动调谐控制 | manual tuning control |
手套箱 | glove box, glove compartment |
手套箱盖 | glove-compartment lid, glove-box lid |
手工工具 | hand tools |