Source | Target | 挡圈 | blocking ring |
挡圈钳 | circlip pliers, outer circlip pliers |
挡板 | baffle plate, deflector plate, splash baffle |
挡油圈 | oil flinger |
挡油环 | oil deflector, sump baffle |
挡泥板 | fender, mudguard, wheel arch, wing |
挡泥胶皮 | mud flap |
挡风板 | air baffle, air deflector, air duct, air-guide sheet |
挡风玻璃 | screen, shield |
挡风玻璃修理系统 | front-screen repair system, front-shield repair system |
挡风玻璃加热器 | front-screen heater, front-shield heater |
挡风玻璃密封条 | front-screen weather seal, front-shield weather seal |
挡风玻璃架 | front-screen frame, front-shield frame |
挡风玻璃清洗喷嘴 | screen jet, screen washer, washer jet |
挡风玻璃清洗泵 | screen-washer pump, shield-washer pump |
挡风玻璃除霜器 | front-screen defroster, front-screen demister, front-shield defroster, front-shield demister |
挤 | squeeze |
挤压 | squash, squish |
挤流面积 | quench area, quenchzone |
振动 | vibration |
振动力矩 | oscillation moment, tilting moment |
振动性 | oscilaation |
振幅 | amplitude, angle of deflection, deflection |
损坏 | damage, injury |
损失 | loss |
损害 | damage |
换入低速挡 | change down, drop a gear, shift down |
换向 | change of direction |
换向器 | commutator |
换向齿轮 | reversing gear |
换挡驾驶 | shifting travel |
换档阀 | shift valve |
换气泵 | scavenger pump, scavenging pump |
换油 | oil change |
换油周期 | oil-change interval |
掀背型 | hatch-back, hatch-back coupé |
排放控制 | emission control |
排放物 | emission |
排气 | air bleeding, air breathing, bleeding, breathing |
排气再循环 | exhaust-gas recirculation, recirculation of exhaust gases |
排气冲程 | outstroke, upstroke, upward stroke |
排气分析仪 | exhaust-emission analyser, exhaust-emission analyzer, exhaust-gas analyser, exhaust-gas analyzer |
排气制动 | exhaust brake, exhaust engine brake |
排气制动蝶阀 | exhaust-brake butterfly valve, muffler cut-out, silencer cut-out |
排气压力 | exhaust-gas pressure |
排气口 | discharge port, exhaust port, outlet port |
排气塞 | air-bleeder plug, air-bleeding plug, air-vent plug |
排气孔 | air-bleeder hole, air hole |
排气机 | exhauster |
排气歧管 | exhaust manifold |
排气测试 | exhaust-emission test, exhaust-gas test |
排气消音器 | exhaust muffler, exhaust silencer |
排气温度 | exhaust-gas temperature, outlet temperature |
排气管 | exhaust duct |
排气管道 | exhaust-gas pipe, exhaust pipe, exhaust tube |
排气系统 | exhaust-gas system, exhaust system |
排气背压 | exhaust-gas back pressure |
排气螺钉 | air-bleeder screw, air-bleeding screw, air-vent screw |
排气行程 | exhaust stroke, outlet stroke |
排气软管 | air-bleeder hose, air-vent hose |