Source | Target | 未能 | fail | 末级放大器 | final amplifier | 机动 | manoeuver, manoeuvre | 机动车辆工程学 | motor-vehicle engineering | 机器 | machine | 机头 | nose | 机械加工 | machining | 机械化 | mechanisation, mechanization | 机械师 | mechanic | 机械式燃油喷射 | mechanical fuel injection, mechanically controlled fuel injection, solid-fuel injection | 机械手 | robot | 机械效率 | mechanical efficiency | 机械装置 | mechanism | 机械连接 | mechanical joint, screw connection, spiral gearing | 机油 | engine lube, engine oil, motor oil | 机罩 | engine cover, engine cowling, engine bonnet,engine hood | 机罩卡钩 | bonnet catch, hood catch | 机罩撑条 | bonnet stay, bonnet support, hood stay, hood support | 机罩释放装置 | bonnet-release gear, hood-release gear | 机罩铰链 | bonnet hinge, hood hinge | 机罩闩 | bonnet latch, hood latch | 杆 | bar, rod, rail, stick | 材料 | material | 材料缺陷 | fault in material | 杠杆作用 | lever action, lever effect | 杠杆机构 | leverage, lever mechanism | 杠臂减震器 | lever shock absorber | 条件 | condition | 松紧调整器 | slack adjuster | 松节油 | turpentine, white spirit | 板簧 | flat spring, laminated spring, leaf spring | 板簧托架 | leaf-spring bracket, suspension bracket | 板金加工勺 | panel-beating spoon | 极 | pole | 极性 | polarity | 极惯性矩 | polar moment of inertia | 极片 | pole piece, pole shoe | 极端 | pole terminal | 极距 | electrode distance, electrode gap | 极轴 | polar axis | 极限 | breaking point | 极限伸长 | ultimate elongation | 极限值 | limit value, limiting value | 极限应力 | stress limit | 极限抗拉强度 | ultimate tensile strength | 构成 | form | 构造 | construct, fabric | 枢轴 | pivot, slew, tilt | 枢轴承 | pivot bearing, step bearing | 柔韧性 | pliability | 柩车 | funeral car, hearse | 柴油 | diesel fuel, diesel oil, fuel oil, gas oil, motor oil | 柴油机爆震 | diesel knock | 标准 | standard | 标准尺寸 | standard size | 标准工具设备 | standard tool equipment | 标准油耗 | level-road fuel consumption, standard fuel consumption | 标准燃料 | reference fuel | 标度盘 | dial, dial plate, face | 标示线 | guide line |
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