Source | Target | 氧化钙 | calcium oxyde |
氧气瓶 | oxygen bottle |
氨 | ammonia |
氩气 | argon |
氮 | nitrogen |
氯丁橡胶 | neoprene rubber |
氯氟化碳 | chlorofluorocarbons |
氯氟烃 | chlorofluoro hydrocarbons |
水 | water |
水位 | water level |
水冷 | water-cooled |
水力测功计 | hydraulic dynamometer, water brake, water-operated dynamometer |
水动力的 | hydrodynamic |
水头 | head of water |
水套 | water jacket, water space |
水封 | water-tight |
水平对置发动机 | boxer engine, flat engine, horizontally opposed engine, opposed-cylinder engine |
水平面 | horizontal, level |
水泥 | cement, fixing agent |
水泵廊道 | pump gallery |
水泵盘根 | water-pump packing |
水泵轴承 | water-pump bearing |
水渠 | water channel, water passage |
水管 | water hose |
水膜 | water film |
水衰退 | water fading |
水陆两用车 | amphibian vehicle, amphibious vehicle |
永久磁铁 | permanent magnet |
汞 | mercury |
污染 | contamination |
污物 | dirt, garbage, refuse, trash |
汽油 | gas, gasoline, petrol |
汽油供油泵 | gasoline feed pump, gasoline lift pump, petrol feed pump, petrol lift pump |
汽油供油系统 | gasoline feed system, petrol feed system |
汽油分配泵 | gasoline-dispensing pump, gasoline pump, petrol-dispersing pump, petrol pump |
汽油加油口盖 | gasoline filler cap, petrol filler cap |
汽油压力 | gasoline pressure, petrol pressur |
汽油发动机 | gasoline engine, gas engine, petrol engine |
汽油喷射 | gasoline injection, petrol injection |
汽油喷射泵 | gasoline-injection pump, petrol-injection pump |
汽油喷射系统 | gasoline-injection system, petrol injection system |
汽油回油管路 | gasoline return line, petrol return line |
汽油气化 | fuel evaporation |
汽油油位 | gasoline level, petrol level |
汽油润滑 | petroil lubrication, total-loss lubrication, two-stroke mixture |
汽油添加剂 | gasoline additive, petrol additive |
汽油管路 | gasoline line, gasoline pipe, petrol line, petrol pipe |
汽油罐 | gas tank |
汽油运输船 | gasoline tanker, petrol tanker |
汽油锁阀 | gasoline lock-off valve, petrol lock-off valve |
汽缸 | gas cylinder |
汽缸壁 | cylinder wall |
汽缸套 | cylinder insert, cylinder liner, cylinder sleeve |
汽缸套表面 | cylinder bearing surface |
汽缸工作表面 | working surface of cylinder |
汽缸座 | cylinder base, cylinder foot |
汽缸排列 | arrangement of cylinders, cylinder arrangement |
汽缸盖衬垫 | cylinder-head gasket |
汽缸筒 | cylinder barrel, cylinder bore |
汽缸螺栓 | cylinder bolt, cylinder-head bolt, head bolt |