Source | Target | 灯光控制 | light control |
灯套件 | lamp kit, light kit |
灯座插头 | adapter socket, adaptor socket |
灯泡插座 | bulb socket, lamp base, lamp cap, lamp holder |
灯泡适配器 | bulb adapter, bulb socket, lamp base, lamp holder |
灯芯绒 | corduroy |
灰铸铁 | grey cast iron |
点 | point |
点刹 | cadence braking, interrupted braking |
点火 | ignition |
点火加速剂 | ignition accelerator |
点火图谱 | ignition map |
点火定时 | ignition timing, spark timing, timing |
点火延迟 | ignition retard, late ignition, retarded ignition |
点火循环 | ignition cycle |
点火温度 | ignition temperature |
点火电缆 | ignition cable, ignition lead, spark-plug lead, spark-plug wire |
点火系统 | ignition system |
点火线圈 | ignition coil |
点火脉冲 | ignition impulse |
点火设置 | ignition setting, spark setting |
点火起动系统 | flame-start system |
点火辅助 | ignition aid, starting aid |
点火间隔时间 | ignition interval |
点火顺序 | firing order, firing sequence, ignition order |
点烟器 | cigar lighter |
点焊 | spot welding |
点焊枪 | spot-welding gun |
点燃 | ignite |
点燃式内燃机 | controlled ignition engine, spark-ignition engine |
炼油厂 | refinery |
烙铁 | soldering iron |
烛光 | candela, candle |
烟 | smoke |
烟灰 | soot |
烟雾 | fume, smoke |
烧结金属 | sintered metal, porous metal |
热 | heat |
热传导 | conduction of heat, heat conduction, thermal conduction |
热传感器 | heat sensor, temperature sensor |
热传递 | heat transfer, heat transmission |
热值 | heat value |
热力学 | thermodynamics |
热型火花塞 | hot spark plug |
热塑性塑料 | thermoplastic |
热处理 | heat treatment, thermal treatment |
热导率 | caloric conductibility, heat conductivity, thermal conductivity |
热带漆 | tropical finish |
热控开 | thermal switch, thermo-switch |
热效率 | thermal efficiency |
热敏电阻器 | thermal resistor, thermistor |
热断路器 | thermal circuit breaker, thermal cut-out |
热气机 | caloric engine, hot air engine |
热流 | heat flow, heating current |
热盘管 | heating coil, preheater, preheating coil |
热盘管开关 | heater-coil switch, heating-coil switch |
热耗散 | dissipation of heat, heat dissipation |
热能 | heat range, spark-plug heat range |
热虹吸冷却系统 | thermosiphon cooling system |
热裂纹 | heat crack |