Source | Target | 爆裂 | burst, crack, split |
爆震传感器 | knock sensor |
爆震率 | anti-knock rating, knock resistance |
爆震界限 | knock border line, knock limit, limit of detonation |
爪形联轴器 | coupling jaw, trailer coupling |
爪形联轴节 | claw coupling, dog clutch, jaw clutch |
爪极 | claw pole |
爬坡能力 | climbability, climbing ability, gradeability, hill-climb capacity |
片式离合器 | lamella clutch, multi-disc clutch, multi-disk clutch, multi-plate clutch |
片状接线柱 | blade terminal, flat plug, spade connector |
片簧 | leaf, spring leaf |
牛顿 | newton |
物料 | matter |
物理学 | physics |
物质状态 | state of matter, state of aggregation |
牵引动力 | traction, traction power |
牵引弹簧 | drag spring |
牵引控制 | electonic traction system, traction control, traction control system |
牵引杆 | tow bar, tow rod, towing rod |
牵引装置 | drawbar coupling, tow coupling, trailer coupling |
牵引重量 | tow weight, trailer weight |
牵引链 | tow chain |
牵簧 | draw spring, pull-off spring, retracting spring, retractor spring, return spring |
牵索 | towing cable, towing rope, tow rope |
特别记号 | distinguishing mark, mark of identification |
特弗隆 | teflon |
特种润滑油脂 | speciality grease |
特许生产 | licence production, license production |
狄塞尔循环 | diesel cycle |
独立全轮悬挂装置 | all-independent wheel suspension |
独立前轮悬挂装置 | independent front-wheel suspension |
独立后轮悬挂装置 | independent rear-wheel suspension |
猛烈震荡 | buck |
环切 | cutting ring, ferrule |
环境保护 | environment protection |
环境温度 | ambient temperature |
环己烷 | cyclohexane |
环形弹簧 | annular spring, spring ring |
环形槽 | annular groove |
环形的 | annular, cyclic, ring-shaped |
环形螺母 | ring nut |
环形阀 | annular valve, poppet valve |
环氧树脂 | epoxy resin |
环状物 | ring |
环螺栓 | collar bolt, pillar bolt, shoulder bolt |
玻璃 | glass, pane |
玻璃槽 | glass-guide channel, window guide, window regulator channel |
玻璃纤维 | fiberglass, fibreglass, glass fiber, glass fibre |
玻璃雨刮器 | glass wiper, wiper |
珍珠岩 | perlite |
珩磨机 | bore glaze breaker, honing machine |
班卓轴 | banjo axle |
球关节轴承 | ball-joint bearing |
球和螺母转向器 | ball-and-nut steering, ball-recirculating steering, recirculating ball-and-nut steering, recirculating ball-type steering |
球墨铸铁 | nodular-graphite cast iron, spheroidal-graphite cast iron |
球头分离器 | ball-joint separator |
球头座 | ball cup |
球头轴 | ball head, ball joint, spheric joint, uniball |
球头销 | spheric ball pin |
球形 | ball |