Source | Target | 线缆保护管 | cable protective tube | 线缆夹 | cable clamp, cable clip, cable eye, cable grip, cable holder | 线缆控制 | cable control, cable operation | 线缆控制的 | cable-actuated, cable-controlled | 线缆树 | cable tree, wiring harness | 线缆线速 | cable bundle, cable harness, loom | 线缆连接 | cable connection, cable terminal | 线规 | wire gage, wire gauge | 线轴 | spool | 线速度 | linear rate | 组 | cluster, set | 组合密封 | unitised seal, unitized seal | 组合灯 | combination light, combined light unit, light group | 组装年份 | year of construction | 细滤器 | fine filter | 细锉 | smooth file | 织机 | loom | 织物 | fabric, tissue, webbing | 终位 | end position | 终压力 | final pressure | 终馏点 | final boiling point | 经销商 | dealer, service outlet | 结冰 | ice formation | 结合 | combination, conjunction | 结晶 | crystal | 结构 | construction | 结构的 | structural | 结构缺陷 | structural defect, structural error | 结水珠 | sweat | 结霜 | frost | 绕组 | winding | 绕组节距 | pitch, winding pitch | 绕绳筒 | rope drum | 绘图 | draw | 给油 | oil feed, oil supply | 绝对值 | absolute value | 绝对压力 | absolute pressure | 绝对温度 | absolute temperature | 绝对误差 | absolute error | 绝对零度 | absolute zero | 绝热 | thermic isolation | 绝热体 | heat insulator, heat reflector, heat screen, heat shield | 绝缘 | insulate, isolate | 绝缘体 | isolator | 绝缘夹 | insulated pliers | 绝缘子 | insulator, rubber mounting, swinging-metal buffer | 绝缘材料 | insulant | 绞刀 | reamer | 绞车 | winch, wind gear | 继动阀 | relay control valve, relay valve | 继续发火系统 | make-and-break ignition system | 绳 | cord | 绳索 | cord, rope | 绳索轮 | rope pulley | 绳腻子 | cord putty | 维修 | service | 维修工作 | maintenance work | 维修工具箱 | repair kit | 维修店 | repair shop | 维修手册 | repair manual |
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