Source | Target | 胎体纤维帘线 | body ply, cord body, tire body, tyre body |
胎圈底部 | bead, bead base, bead toe, tire bead, tyre bead |
胎圈座 | bead seat, rim bead |
胎圈座架 | bead ledge |
胎肩 | shoulder, tread shoulder |
胎面 | tread, tire groove, tyre groove |
胎面宽度 | tire-tread width, track, track width, tread width, tyre-tread width |
胎面磨损 | tread wear, tire wear, tyre wear |
胶乳 | latex, natural rubber |
胶带 | adhesive tape, magic tape, self-adhesive tape |
胶水 | glue, gum |
胶粘带 | adhesive tape, insulating tape |
能源危机 | energy crisis |
能源回收 | recuperation of energy |
能量 | energy, work, working capacity |
能量传递 | energy transmission |
能量储存 | energy storage |
能量吸收 | energy-absorbing |
能量回收 | energy recuperation |
能量平衡 | energy balance |
能量损失 | loss of energy |
能量流 | flow of energy |
能量消耗 | energy consumption |
能量耗散 | dissipation of energy, waste of energy |
脉冲发生器 | pulse generator |
脉动 | pulsate |
脊骨式底盘 | backbone chassis, backbone frame, central-tube chassis, central-tube frame |
脚制动器 | foot brake, pedal brake, service brake |
脚控的 | foot-controlled, foot-operated |
脚踏板 | pedal box |
脚踩阀 | foot valve, service brake valve |
脚部空间 | foot well |
脱碳 | decarb, decarbonise, decarbonize, decoke |
腐蚀 | corrosion, rust |
腰带式安全带 | diagonal safety belt, passive safety belt, shoulder safety belt |
膜片弹簧 | diaphragm spring |
膜盒 | diaphragm box, diaphragm cell |
膨胀 | dilatation, expansion |
膨胀容器 | expansion container, expansion reservoir, expansion tank |
膨胀接头 | expansion joint |
膨胀系数 | coefficient of dilatation, coefficient of expansion |
臂 | arm, lever arm, rocking lever |
臂扶手 | arm rest, arm support |
自位轴承 | pivoted bearing, swivel bearing |
自净 | self-cleaning |
自动变速器 | automatic transmission |
自动变速器用油 | automatic transmission fluid |
自动喷调装置 | injection timer |
自动安全带 | automatic safety belt, inertia-reel belt, retractable safety belt |
自动定位 | self-aligning |
自动定心的 | self-centering, self-centring |
自动差速器 | automatic differential, self-locking differential |
自动式制动装置调节器 | automatic brake-gear adjuster |
自动性能控制系统 | automatic performance control, knock control system |
自动控速装置 | automatic speed-control device |
自动润滑的 | self-lubricating |
自动的 | automatic, self-acting |
自动离合器 | automatic clutch |
自动紧急锁紧式伸缩装置 | automatic emergency-locking retractor, automatic locking retractor |
自动调温控制 | thermostatically controlled |