Chinese to English dictionary of automotive terms

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车身外板部蒙皮body panelling
车身底部body bottom
车身底部涂料underbody coating, underbody protection
车身类型body type
车身造型body shape
车身部件body component, body part
车身锉body file
车轮不平衡wheel imbalance
车轮偏转wheel deflection, wheel-turning angle
车轮制动器wheel brake
车轮固定夹wheel clamp
车轮定位wheel alignment
车轮尺寸wheel size
车轮平衡机wheel balancer
车轮抱死wheel lock
车轮排列wheel arrangement
车轮毂轴承wheel-hub bearing
车轮盖hub cap, hub cover, wheel cover
车轮转数wheel revolution
车轮转速传感器wheel-speed sensor
车轮载重wheel load
车轮配重块wheel balancing weight
车轴压力axle pressure, axle weight
车载电话car telephone, radio telephone
车载诊断系统on-board diagnosis tester, on-board diagnostic system
车辆总重maximum gross weight, gross vehicle weight, gross vehicle weight rating, gross weight
车辆税motor-vehicle tax, road tax, road traffic tax
车辆稳定性vehicle stability
车速表软轴speedocable, speedometer cable
车重vehicle weight
车门door panel
车门接触开关door-contact switch
车间手册workshop manual
车顶天线top aerial, top antenna
车顶扰流板roof spoiler
车顶柱column, roof pillar, roof post
车顶横梁roof bow, roof cross member, roof cross piece
车顶窗roof hatch
车顶行李架car-top carrier, roof baggage rack, roof luggage rack, roof-top carrier
车顶行李箱imperial, top carrier
车顶骨架roof frame
转变convert, remold, remould, transform
转向传感器steering sensor
转向减震器steering damper, steering shock absorber
转向指示灯direction-indicator control light, flasher-control light, indicator light, turn-signal light
转向杠杆steering leverage
转向柱变速column-gear change, column shift, steering-column gear change
转向柱锁steering-column lock, steering lock
转向比率steering ratio, steering reduction ratio
转向灯direction indicator, flasher indicator, flasher light, side-turn signal light
转向箱steering box, steering-gear case, steering house
转向臂drop arm, steering drop arm, steering lever
转向节steering knuckle, steering stub axle, steering swivel, swivel axle
转向蜗杆steering worm

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