Source | Target | 面板装嵌技工 | panel beater | 面漆 | final coat, final layer, finish paint, paint finish | 面铣刀 | face mill | 面铣刀刀片 | face-mill cutter | 韧性的 | malleable | 音频 | acoustic frequency, audio-frequency | 顶盖 | roof lid, sliding roof, sliding top, sun roof | 顶端 | crown | 顶置凸轮轴发动机 | overhead-camshaft engine, single camshaft-in-head engine, single overhead-camshaft engine | 顶蓬 | ceiling | 顶视图 | plan outline, top view | 顶部 | crown, top | 顶隙 | bottom clearance | 顶面 | upper face, top, top side | 顺时针方向力矩 | right-hand moment | 顺风 | tail wind | 预滤器 | prefilter, preliminary filter, primary filter | 预燃室式柴油机 | antechamber diesel engine, pre-chamber diesel engine | 预装置 | pre-assemble | 预载 | preload | 预选器传动 | preselector gearbox, preselector transmission | 领蹄 | leading braking shoe, primary brake shoe | 颈 | neck | 颜色 | color, colour | 额定功率 | rated output | 额定速度 | nominal speed, rated speed | 颤动 | chatter | 颤抖 | jerk, jolt, judder | 风冷 | air-stream cooling | 风向 | direction of wind | 风扇叶片 | fan blade | 风扇叶轮 | fan wheel | 风扇整流罩 | fan cowling, fan housing | 风扇皮带 | fan belt | 风扇皮带轮 | fan pulley | 风扇离合器 | fan clutch | 风机马达 | fan motor | 风洞 | wind tunnel | 风箱 | air box, ram box | 风门调整螺钉 | throttle adjusting screw, throttle stop screw | 飞弧 | spark-over | 飞机加油器 | aircraft refueller, bowser | 飞机牵引车 | aircraft tractor | 飞轮 | freewheel | 飞轮位置传感器 | flywheel position sensor | 飞轮罩 | fly-wheel housing | 飞轮速度传感器 | flywheel speed sensor | 飞轮锁定螺栓 | fly-wheel lock bolt | 饰面 | facing | 饰面纸罩 | masking paper cover | 饱和 | saturation | 饱和点 | saturation point | 饱和蒸气 | saturated vapor, saturated vapour | 首锚扰流板 | bower spoiler | 马氏体 | martensite | 驱动 | drive, transmission | 驱动器 | actuator | 驱动开关 | actuating switch, control switch | 驱动轴 | beam axle, live axle, rigid axle, solid axle | 驱动销 | actuating pin, catch pin, follower pin |
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