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Rector of Brest StateUniversity.Rettur tal-Università Statali ta' Brest.
Former judge of the Partizanski District Court of Minsk.Kienet imħallef tal-Qorti Distrettwali Partizanski ta' Minsk.
She dealt with the trial of ex-presidential candidate Andrei Sannikov, civil society activist Ilia Vasilevich, Fedor Mirzoianov, Oleg Gnedchik and Vladimir Yeriomenok.Hija trattat il-proċess tal-ex kandidat presidenzjali Andrei Sannikov, l-attivista tas-soċjetà ċivili Ilia Vasilevich, Fedor Mirzoianov, Oleg Gnedchik u Vladimir Yeriomenok.
Public prosecutor of the case against ex-presidential candidates Nikolai Statkevich and Dmitri Uss, as well as political and civil society activists Andrei Pozniak, Aleksandr Klaskovski, Aleksandr Kvetkevich, Artiom Gribkov and Dmitri Bulanov.Prosekutur pubbliku tal-kawża kontra l-ex-kandidati presidenzjali Nikolai Statkevich u Dmitri Uss, kif ukoll l-attivisti politiċi u tas-soċjetà ċivili Andrei Pozniak, Aleksandr Klaskovski, Aleksandr Kvetkevich, Artiom Gribkov u Dmitri Bulanov.
It was based on an incorrect classification of the events of 19 December 2010, and not sustained by evidence, proof or testimonies of witnesses.Hija kienet ibbażata fuq klassifikazzjoni żbaljata tal-avvenimenti tad-19 ta' Diċembru 2010, mhux sostnuta b'evidenza, provi jew testimonjanzi tax-xhieda.
As a state prosecutor he opposed the appeal of Ales Byalyatski regarding the sentence imposed on him by the Pervomaiski District Court of Minsk even though Byalyatski's trial was conducted in a way that was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure.Bħala prosekutur tal-Istat huwa oppona l-appell ta' Ales Byalyatski rigward is-sentenza imposta fuqu mill-Qorti Distrettwali Pervomaiski ta' Minsk minkejja li l-proċess ta' Byalyatski tmexxa b'mod li kien ksur ċar tal-Kodiċi tal-Proċedura Kriminali.
Passport No.: SP 0008543 (current validity doubtful).Numru tal-Passaport: SP 0008543 (validità attwali dubjuża).
Iury Chyzh provides financial support to the Lukashenka regime through his holding company LLC Triple which is active in numerous sectors of the Belarusian economy, including activities resulting from public awards and concessions from the regime.Iury Chyzh jipprovdi appoġġ finanzjarju lir-reġim ta' Lukashenka permezz tal-kumpannija possedenti tiegħu LLC Triple li hija attiva f'għadd ta' setturi tal-ekonomija Bjelorussa, inklużi attivitajiet li jirriżultaw minn għotjiet pubbliċi u konċessjonijiet mir-reġim.
The sporting positions he retains, notably being Chair of the Board of the football club FC Dynamo Minsk and Chair of the Belarusian Federation of wrestling, confirm his association to the regime.Il-pożizzjonijiet li huwa għandu fil-qasam sportiv, speċjalment bħala President tal-Bord tal-klabb tal-futbol FC Dynamo Minsk u President tal-Federazzjoni Bjelorussa tal-lotta, jikkonfermaw l-assoċjazzjoni tiegħu mar-reġim.
DOB: 29.09.1955, Senno, Vitebsk regionDtT: 29.09.1955, Senno, reġjun ta' Vitebsk
President of the State Radio-TV company.President tal-kumpannija Radju-Televiżiva tal-Istat.
Army Prosecutor.Prosekutur tal-Armata.
Judge at Zavodskoi District Court of Minsk.Imħallef fil-Qorti tad-Distrett ta' Zavodskoi ta' Minsk.
In 2010 she fined or sentenced the following representatives of civil society for their peaceful protests: a) 2010.12.20, Hulyak Vital, 30 daily base units (1050000 BLR); b) 2010.12.20, Vaskabovich Lyudmila, 30 daily base units (1050000 BLR), c) 2010.12.20, Urywski Alyaksandr, 10 days in prison; d) 2010.12.20, Stashulyonak Veranika, 30 daily base units (1050000 BLR); e) 2010.12.20, Say Syarhey, 10 days in prison; f) 2010.12.20, Maksimenka Hastassya, 10 days in prison; g) 2010.12.20, Nikitarovich Yuliya, 10 days in prison.Fl-2010 mmultat jew ikkundannat lir-rappreżentanti li ġejjin tas-soċjetà ċivili għad-dimostrazzjonijiet paċifiċi tagħhom: a) 2010. 12. 20, Hulyak Vital, 30 unità bażi ta' kuljum (1050000 BLR); b) 2010. 12. 20, Vaskabovich Lyudmila, 30 unità bażi ta' kuljum (1050000 BLR), c) 2010. 12. 20, Urywski Alyaksandr, 10 ijiem il-ħabs; d) 2010. 12. 20, Stashulyonak Veranika, 30 unità bażi ta' kuljum (1050000 BLR); e) 2010. 12. 20, Say Syarhey, 10 ijiem il-ħabs; f) 2010. 12.
Repeatedly imposed prison terms and large fines against those involved in peaceful protests and, as a result, she was responsible for the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition in Belarus.20, Astashow Anton, 11-il jum il-ħabs; i) 2010.12.20, Navumava Valyantsina, 11-il jum il-ħabs. Ripetutament imponiet sentenzi ta' ħabs u multi kbar kontra dawk involuti f'dimostrazzjonijiet paċifiċi u, b'riżultat ta' dan, kienet responsabbli għar-repressjoni tas-soċjetà ċivili u tal-oppożizzjoni demokratika fil-Bjelorussja.
Prosecutor on Transport Issues of Belarus.Prosekutur dwar Kwistjonijiet ta' Trasport tal-Bjelorussja.
Dysko, Gennadi IosifovichDysko, Henadz Iosifavich
ДЫСКО, Генадзь IосiфавiчDysko, Gennadi Iosifovich
ДЫСКО, Генадий ИосифовичДЫСКО, Генадзь Iосiфавiч
Prosecutor of the District of Vitebsk.ДЫСКО, Генадий Иосифович
Head of the Hrodna Customs regional committee, former First deputy Chairman of the KGB (2005-2007), former Deputy Head of the State Customs Committee.Kap tal-Kumitat reġjonali tad-dwana ta' Hrodna, kien l-Ewwel Viċi President tal-KGB (2005-2007), kien Viċi Kap tal-Kumitat tad-Dwana tal-Istat.
Responsible for the repressive work of the KGB against civil society and the democratic opposition, in particular in 2006-2007.Huwa responsabbli għall-ħidma repressiva tal-KGB kontra s-soċjetà ċivili u l-oppożizzjoni demokratika, b'mod partikolari fl-2006 u l-2007.
As Deputy Head of the KGB, shares responsibility for the repressive work of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition.Bħala Viċi Kap tal-KGB, jaqsam ir-responsabbiltà għall-ħidma repressiva tal-KGB kontra s-soċjetà ċivili u l-oppożizzjoni demokratika.
Judge at the Central District Court of the city of Minsk.Imħallef fil-Qorti Distrettwali Ċentrali tal-belt ta' Minsk.
In June, July and October 2011, he sentenced several other activists to 10 and 11 days in jail.F'Ġunju, Lulju u Ottubru 2011, huwa kkundanna diversi attivisti oħra għal 10 ijiem u 11-il jum il-ħabs.
DeputyHead of the Academy of the Ministry of Interior.Viċi Kap tal-Akkademja tal-Ministeru tal-Intern.
In his former role (until June 2011) as Militia Commander of the City of Minsk, he commanded the Minsk militia forces that brutally repressed a demonstration on 19 December 2010.Fir-rwol li kellu (sa Ġunju 2011) bħala Kmandant tal-Milizzja tal-Belt ta' Minsk, ikkmanda l-forzi tal-milizzja ta' Minsk li wettqu repressjoni brutali ta' dimostrazzjoni fid-19 ta' Diċembru 2010.
Deputy editor of the newspaper of the President's Administration and main propaganda newspaper 'Sovietskaia Belarus'.Viċi Editur tal-gazzetta tal-Amministrazzjoni tal-President u l-gazzetta ewlenija ta' propaganda ‘Sovietskaia Belarus’.
Responsible for relaying state propaganda in the printed press, which has supported and justified the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society, systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using falsified and untrue information, in particular after the Presidential elections in 2010.Huwa responsabbli li jwassal il-propaganda tal-istat fil-midja stampata, li appoġġat u ġġustifikat ir-repressjoni tal-oppożizzjoni demokratika u s-soċjetà ċivili, sistematikament deskritti b'mod negattiv u derogatorju bl-użu ta' informazzjoni falsifikata u li mhix vera, b'mod partikolari wara l-elezzjonijiet presidenzjali fl-2010.
Responsible for organising and implementing the dissemination of falsified information through the state-controlled media.Responsabbli għall-organizzazzjoni u l-implimentazzjoni tat-tixrid ta' informazzjoni falsifikata permezz tal-mezzi ta' komunikazzjoni kkontrollati mill-istat.
Former first Deputy Director of the Information and Analytical Centre of the President's Administration.Kien l-Ewwel Viċi Direttur taċ-Ċentru tal-Informazzjoni u l-Analiżi tal-Amministrazzjoni tal-President.
A source and voice of state propaganda, which provokes, supports and justifies the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society. democratic opposition and civil society are systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using falsified information.Oriġini u leħen tal-propaganda tal-istat, li tipprovoka, tappoġġa u tiġġustifika r-repressjoni tal-oppożizzjoni demokratika u s-soċjetà ċivili. L-oppożizzjoni demokratika u s-soċjetà ċivili jitpinġew sistematikament b'mod negattiv u derogatorju bl-użu ta' informazzjoni falsifikata.
POB: Behoml, Dokshitski district, Vitebsk regionPtT: Behoml, distrett ta' Dokshitski, reġjun ta' Vitebsk
Deputy Minister of Interior.Viċi Ministru tal-Intern.
Commander of internal troops, and Member of Parliament in the Lower Chamber.Kmandant tat-truppi interni, u Membru tal-Parlament fil-Kamra Inferjuri.
As a commander of internal troops, he was responsible for the violent repression of the demonstration on 19 December 2012 in Minsk, where his troops were the first to be actively involved.Bħala kmandant tat-truppi interni, huwa kien responsabbli għar-repressjoni vjolenti tad-dimostrazzjoni fid-19 ta' Diċembru 2012 f'Minsk, fejn it-truppi tiegħu kienu minn tal-ewwel li involvew ruħhom attivament.
DOB: 1952, BorisovDtT: 1952 Borisov
As former Minister of Justice, his services elaborated laws that are repressive towards civil society and the democratic opposition.Meta kien Ministru tal-Ġustizzja s-servizzi tiegħu fasslu liġijiet li huma repressivi lejn is-soċjetà ċivili u l-oppożizzjoni demokratika.
He also denied or deprived registration for NGOs and political parties and he ignored unlawful acts undertaken by the security services against the population.Huwa wkoll ċaħad jew neħħa r-reġistrazzjoni lil NGOs u partiti politiċi u injora atti illegali mwettqa mis-servizzi tas-sigurtà kontra l-popolazzjoni.
Judge at Pervomaiski District Court of Minsk.Imħallef fil-Qorti tad-Distrett ta' Pervomaiski ta' Minsk.
In 2010 he fined or sentenced the following representatives of civil society for their peaceful protests: a) 2010.12.20, Hubskaya Iryna, 10 days in prison; b) 2010.12.20, Kaptsiuh Dzmitry, 10 days in prison; c) 2010.12.20, Mikheyenka Yahor, 12 days in prison; d) 2010.12.20, Burbo Andrey, 10 days in prison; e) 2010.12.20, Pushnarova Hanna, 10 days in prison; f) 2010.12.20, Shepuraw Mikita, 15 days in prison; g) 2010.12.20, Zadzyarkowski Andrey, 10 days in prison; h) 2010.12.20, Yaromyenkaw Yawhen, 10 days in prison.Fl-2010 mmulta jew ikkundanna lir-rappreżentanti li ġejjin tas-soċjetà ċivili għad-dimostrazzjonijiet paċifiċi tagħhom: a) 2010. 12. 20, Hubskaya Iryna, 10 ijiem il-ħabs; b) 2010. 12. 20, Kaptsiuh Dzmitry, 10 ijiem il-ħabs; c) 2010. 12. 20, Mikheyenka Yahor, 12-il jum il-ħabs; d) 2010. 12. 20, Burbo Andrey, 10 ijiem il-ħabs; e) 2010. 12. 20, Pushnarova Hanna, 10 ijiem il-ħabs; f) 2010. 12. 20, Shepuraw Mikita, 15-il jum il-ħabs; g) 2010. 12.
Repeatedly imposed prison terms against those involved in peaceful protests and, as a result, he was responsible for the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition in Belarus.20, Zadzyarkowski Andrey, 10 ijiem il-ħabs; h) 2010.12.20, Yaromyenkaw Yawhen,10 ijiem il-ħabs. Ripetutament impona sentenzi ta' ħabs kontra dawk involuti f'dimostrazzjonijiet paċifiċi u, b'riżultat ta' dan, kien responsabbli għar-repressjoni tas-soċjetà ċivili u tal-oppożizzjoni demokratika fil-Bjelorussja.
Deputy Head of the Institute of National Security (KGB school) and former Head of the KGB of the District of Vitebsk.Viċi Kap tal-Istitut tas-Sigurtà Nazzjonali (skola tal-KGB) u kien Kap tal-KGB tad-Distrett ta' Vitebsk.
Responsible for the repressive work of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition in the region of Vitebsk.Responsabbli għall-ħidma repressiva tal-KGB kontra s-soċjetà ċivili u l-oppożizzjoni demokratika fir-reġjun ta' Vitebsk.
Prosecutor who presented the case against Byalyatski in the City Court of Minsk after Byalyatski's application to the court regarding his detention.Prosekutur li ppreżenta l-kawża kontra Byalyatski fil-Qorti tal-Belt ta' Minsk wara l-applikazzjoni ta' Byalyatski lill-qorti dwar id-detenzjoni tiegħu.
Judge at Oktiabrski District Court of Minsk.Imħallef fil-Qorti Distrettwali ta' Oktiabrski ta' Minsk.
In 2010 he fined or sentenced the following representatives of civil society for their peaceful protests: a) 2010.12.20, Sidarevich Katsyaryna, 30 daily base units (1050000 BLR); b) 2010.12.20, Lyskavets Paval, 15 days in prison; c) 2010.12.20, Sachylka Syarhey, 15 days in prison; d) 2010.12.20, Krawtsow Dzianis, 10 days in prison; e) 2010.12.20, Vyarbitski Uladzimir, 15 days in prison; f) 2010.12.20, Newdakh Maksim, 15 days in prison.Fl-2010 mmulta jew ikkundanna lir-rappreżentanti li ġejjin tas-soċjetà ċivili għad-dimostrazzjonijiet paċifiċi tagħhom: a) 2010. 12. 20, Sidarevich Katsyaryna, 30 unità bażi ta' kuljum (1050000 BLR); b) 2010. 12. 20, Lyskavets Paval, 15-il jum il-ħabs; c) 2010. 12. 20, Sachylka Syarhey, 15-il jum il-ħabs; d) 2010. 12. 20, Krawtsow Dzianis, 10 ijiem il-ħabs; e) 2010. 12. 20, Vyarbitski Uladzimir, 15-il jum il-ħabs; f) 2010. 12.
Editor-in-Chief of 'Belorusskaia Dumka' monthly journal of the President's Administration.Kap Editur tal-ġurnal ta' kull xahar ‘Belorusskaia Dumka’ tal-Amministrazzjoni tal-President.
He is one of the most vocal and influential members of the state propaganda machine in the printed press.Huwa wieħed mill-aktar membri li jinstema' u influwenti tal-magna ta' propaganda tal-istat fil-mezzi tal-istampa.
He has supported and justified the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society, which are systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using falsified information,in particular after the Presidential elections in 2010.Huwa appoġġa u ġġustifika r-repressjoni tal-oppożizzjoni demokratika u s-soċjetà ċivili, li huma sistematikament deskritti b'mod negattiv u derogatorju bl-użu ta' informazzjoni falsifikata, partikolarment wara l-elezzjonijiet presidenzjali fl-2010.
Judge of the Leninski District Court of Minsk.Imħallef fil-Qorti Distrettwali Leninski ta' Minsk.
She dealt with the case of ex-presidential candidates Nikolai Statkevich and Dmitri Uss, as well as political and civil society activists Andrei Pozniak, Aleksandr Klaskovski, Aleksandr Kvetkevich, Artiom Gribkov and Dmitri Bulanov.Trattat il-kawża tal-ex-kandidati presidenzjali Nikolai Statkevich u Dmitri Uss, kif ukoll l-attivisti politiċi u tas-soċjetà ċivili Andrei Pozniak, Aleksandr Klaskovski, Aleksandr Kvetkevich, Artiom Gribkov u Dmitri Bulanov.
Judge at the Oktiabrski Rayon Court of Minsk.Imħallef fil-Qorti ta' Oktiabrski Rayon ta' Minsk.
Member of the Upper House of the Parliament appointed by President Lukashenka, editor-in-Chief of the newspaper of the President's Administration and main propaganda newspaper 'Sovietskaia Belarus'.Membru tal-Kamra Superjuri tal-Parlament maħtur mill-President Lukanshenka, Kap editur tal-gazzetta tal-Amministrazzjoni tal-President u tal-gazzetta ewlenija ta' propaganda ‘Sovietskaia Belarus'.
He has supported and justified the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society, which are systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using falsified information.Huwa appoġġa u ġġustifika r-repressjoni tal-oppożizzjoni demokratika u s-soċjetà ċivili, li jitpinġew sistematikament b'mod negattiv u derogatorju bl-użu ta' informazzjoni falsifikata.
He was particularly active in this regard after the crackdown on peaceful demonstrations on 19 December 2010 and on subsequent protests.Huwa kien partikolarment attiv f'dan ir-rigward wara r-repressjoni vjolenti tad- dimostrazzjonijiet paċifiċi fid-19 ta' Diċembru 2010 u fi protesti sussegwenti.
DOB: 22.04.1976, BorisovDtT: 22.04.1976, Borisov
Assistant to the President, Head of the Ideological Department of the President's Administration.Assistent tal-President, Kap tad-Dipartiment tal-Ideoloġija tal-Amministrazzjoni tal-President.
He is the main creator of the regime's ideology and state propaganda, which supports and justifies the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society.Kreatur ewlieni tal-ideoloġija tar-reġim u l-propaganda tal-istat, li tappoġġa u tiġġustifika r-repressjoni tal-oppożizzjoni demokratika u s-soċjetà ċivili.
DOB: 29.1.1953,DtT: 29.1.1953,

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