Source | Target | UUENCODE | UUENCODE |
VAT አይ ዲ | VAT ID |
VBA ለዋጭ | VBA Converter |
vCard | vCard |
Vertipaq | Vertipaq |
Visual Basic | Visual Basic |
Visual Studio Tools for Applications | Visual Studio Tools for Applications |
WebDAV | WebDAV |
Wi-Fi የተጠበቀ መዳረሻ | Wi-Fi Protected Access |
Wi-Fi የተጠበቀ መዳረሻ 2 | Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 |
Windows 7 ሃርድዌር ዓርማ | Windows 7 hardware logo |
Windows 7 ሶፍትዌር ዓርማ | Windows 7 software logo |
Windows 7 ዓርማ | Windows 7 logo |
Windows 7 ዓርማ ፕሮግራም | Windows 7 Logo Program |
Windows 8 | Windows 8 |
Windows 8 Consumer Preview | Windows 8 Consumer Preview |
Windows 8 Enterprise | Windows 8 Enterprise |
Windows 8 Media Center ጥቅል, Windows 8 Media Center Pack | Windows 8 Media Center Pack |
Windows 8 Pro | Windows 8 Pro |
Windows 8 Pro Pack | Windows 8 Pro Pack |
Windows 8 Pro ከMedia Center ጋር | Windows 8 Pro with Media Center |
Windows 8 Release Preview | Windows 8 Release Preview |
Windows 8 Single Language | Windows 8 Single Language |
Windows 8 ደረጃ ማሻሻያ ረዳት | Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant |
Windows 8.1 Enterprise Update | Windows 8.1 Enterprise Update |
Windows 8.1 Pro for Education | Windows 8.1 Pro for Education |
Windows 8.1 Pro Update | Windows 8.1 Pro Update |
Windows 8.1 Pro with Media Center | Windows 8.1 Pro with Media Center |
Windows 8.1 Pro with Media Center Update | Windows 8.1 Pro with Media Center Update |
Windows 8.1 Single Language Update | Windows 8.1 Single Language Update |
Windows 8.1 Update | Windows 8.1 Update |
Windows 8.1 ከ Bing ጋር | Windows 8.1 with Bing |
Windows AC | Windows AC |
Windows Assessment Console | Windows Assessment Console |
Windows Explorer | Windows Explorer |
Windows HCK | Windows HCK |
Windows Live FrameIt | Windows Live FrameIt |
Windows Live Hotmail | Windows Live Hotmail |
Windows Live Messenger | Windows Live Messenger |
Windows Live ላይ የሆነ ሰው | Someone on Windows Live |
Windows Live መላ መፈለጊያ ውሂብ | Windows Live Troubleshooting Data |
Windows Live መሳሪያዎች | Windows Live Devices |
Windows Live መነሻ | Windows Live Home |
Windows Live መገለጫ | Windows Live Profile |
Windows Live መግቢያ ረዳት | Windows Live Sign-in Assistant |
Windows Live ማስጠንቀቂያዎች | Windows Live Alerts |
Windows Live ሰሪ አሞሌ | Windows Live Toolbar |
Windows Live ስምሪያ | Windows Live Sync |
Windows Live ቀን መቁጠሪያ | Windows Live Calendar |
Windows Live ቡድኖች | Windows Live Groups |
Windows Live ቦታዎች | Windows Live Spaces |
Windows Live አሰተዳደር ማእከል | Windows Live Admin Center |
Windows Live አስፈላጊዎች | Windows Live Essentials |
Windows Live እውቂያዎች | Windows Live Contacts |
Windows Live ክስተቶች | Windows Live Events |