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freight charges운임료
freight clearing운임반제
freight forwarding운임전송
freight supplier운임 공급자
freight surcharge운임부과금
from bin locationFrom BIN 위치
from itemFrom 품목
from storage typeFrom 저장유형
from tax state시작 세금상태
from-bin strategyFrom-BIN전략
from-bin transferFrom-BIN이전
from-bin transfer quantityFrom-Bin이전수량
full costs총원가
full delivery완전납품
full document display완전문서조회
full issue requirement완전출고요청
full pegging완전페깅
full reversal완전취소
fully ordered완전오더
fully ordered재고실사에 따른 재고조정
function authorization기능권한
future standard cost estimate미래표준원가추정
G preferenceG 선호
gamma factor감마요인
Gantt chart간트차트
geometric data기하데이타
German joint committee for electronics in construction건설부문 전자기기 독일합동위원회
global percentage bid광역비율 입찰
global percentage deduction광역비율감소
global percentage increase광역비율증가
go-ahead for production생산진행
go-ahead for purchase of input materials입력자재구매진행
goods acquisition자재취득
goods acquisition재고관리
goods catalog자재카타로그
goods from in-house production내부생산자재
goods issue (outward movement)출고(외부이동)
goods issue (physical)출고(실제)
goods issue account출고계정
goods issue amount authorization출고 금액권한
goods issue date출고일
goods issue document출고문서
goods issue interim storage type출고자재 임시저장유형
goods issue posting출고전기
goods issue slip출고전표
goods issue type출고유형
goods issuing department출고부서
goods on hand현자재
goods receipt입고
goods receipt (one-step procedure)입고 (한단계절차)
goods receipt account입고계정
goods receipt blocked stock입고보류재고
goods receipt clearing입고반제
goods receipt clearing value입고반제값
goods receipt date입고일
goods receipt docufment item입고문서품목
goods receipt document입고문서
goods receipt lot입고로트

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