English to Korean dictionary of SAP terms

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ordered purchase requisition기발주 구매요청
ordered purchase requisition공급예정자재 품목
ordering activity주문액티비티
ordering activity계획재고실사일
ordering costs주문원가
ordering party주문발행처
order-item-based invoice verification오더품목기준 송장검증
orders on hand현재오더
organizational level조직레벨
organizational level계획출고
origin category원산지범주
origin category플랜트별 특정 구매정보 레코드
origin indicator오리진지시자
origin key오리진키
original batch오리지날 batch
original batch number오리지날 batch 번호
original delivery data오리지날 납품데이터
original material오리지날자재
original material number오리지날자재번호
original mold오리지날주형
original plan오리지날계획
original plant오리지날플랜트
original requisitioner오리지날요청자
out of stock재고없음
outgoing invoice발행송장
outlier percentage사외자백분율
outline agreement개괄계약
outline agreement change (notice)개괄계약변경(통지)
outline agreement requisition개괄계약요청
outline agreement type개괄계약유형
output application출력어플리케이션
output control출력제어
output losses출력손실
output type출력유형
outward movement (physical inventory)외부로 이동(재고실사)
outward movement (stock)외부로 이동(재고)
outward stock movement외부로 재고이동
over lap time중복시간
over lapping중복
over lapping source list records중복소스리스트 레코드
over lapping source list records포인트점수
over lapping validity periods중복유효기간
over lapping validity periods
overall customer potential전체잠재고객
overall degree of performance종합성과도
overall estimated contract value종합 추정 일괄계약값
overall evaluation종합평가
overall profile전체프로파일
overall rating종합등급
overall score종합점수
overall score플레이어
overdelivery tolerance초과납품허용치
overhead basis간접비기준
overhead group간접지그룹

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