English to Korean dictionary of SAP terms

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tax-relevant movement세금관련이동
tear down, to해체하다
teardown time해체시간
technical back-up기술적 백업
technical data (CAPP)기술적 데이터
technical merit기술적 장점
technical type기술적 유형(변형BOM과 복수BOM으로 분류)
technology score기술 점수
tender (bid)입찰
term of payment지급조건
terms of contract일괄계약조건
terms of delivery납품조건
terms of payment지급조건
terms of payment key지급조건키
test facility테스트설비
text catalog텍스트카타로그
text component텍스트 구성요소
text component record텍스트 구성요소 레코드
text component short text텍스트 구성요소 단문
text item텍스트품목
text retrieval텍스트검색
text supplement텍스트보충
text supplementation point텍스트보충점
textile industry직물산업
third country제3국
third party declarant제3자신고
third-party (direct-to-customer) deal제3자 (고객에게 직접) 거래
third-party business transaction제3자 거래
third-party item제3자 거래품목
third-party order제3자오더
third-party orderPO 지정
third-party order (sales)제3자오더(판매)
third-party order for "material to be provided"공급예정자재에 대한 제3자 오더
third-party order vendor제3자오더공급업체
third-party subcontract order제3자외주오더
threshold value임계값
threshold valuePO 미정
throughout the shop floor area작업현장전체
timber industry목재산업
time bar타임바
time block시간블럭
time block시간보류
time compopent시간구성요소
time determination type시간결정유형
time fence타임펜스
time limit for error message오류메세지 시간제한
time limit for warning message경고메세지 시간제한
time scheduling시간일정계획
time serices of consumption소비타임시리즈
time serices of past consumption과거소비타임시리즈
time type시간유형
time-phased MRP시간단계별 MRP
time-spot delivery시점납품
time-spot schedule line시점납품일정라인
time-spot schedule line입고전기일
to bin locationTo BIN 위치
to define measurement categories측정범주정의

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