English to Korean dictionary of SAP terms

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unit of measure주요공통기능
unit of weight중량단위
unit price단위가격
unloading point하역지점
unplanned by-product비계획부산물
unplanned consumption비계획소비
unplanned consumption확정출고
unplanned delivery costs비계획운송비용
unplanned delivery costs확정수량
unplanned receipt비계획입고
unplanned service비계획서비스
unplanned withdrawal비계획출고
unrestricted-use stock가용재고
unrestricted-use stock with subcontractor외주업체 가용재고
unrestricted-use stock with subcontractor증빙일
unskilled worker미숙련작업자
unti price단위가격
unward inventory revaluation상향재고 재평가
urge, to독촉하다
urge, to확정업체
urging letter독촉장
urging letter(overdue deliveries)독촉장(연착납품)
US taxhandlingUS 세금 취급
use of prefabricated materials조립자재사용
use-by date사용마감일
used volume사용용량
user parameter사용자매개변수
usual market price통상시장가격
utility class유틸리티클래스
utilization below capacity생산능력이하로 이용
vaild-from date효력발생일
vaild-to date효력만료일

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