English to Norwegian glossary of Microsoft terms

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folder home pagestartside for mappe
home addressheimeadresse
home automation controllerheimeautomatiseringskontrollar
home cellgrunnbunke
home pageheimeside
Home PhonePrivattelefon
home phonetelefon, privat
home screenstartskjerm
home serverheimetenar
homegroup computerheimegruppedatamaskin
homegroup passwordheimegruppepassord
HomeGroup troubleshooterHeimegruppe-feilsøking
homework applekseapp
homework listlekseliste
homework websiteleksenettstad
Microsoft Excel Home and Student 2010Microsoft Excel Home and Student 2010
Microsoft Office 365 HomeMicrosoft Office 365 Home
Skype HomeSkype Heim
Windows Live HomeWindows Live Heim

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