Amharic to English glossary of Microsoft terms

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Microsoft Windows ሶፍትዌር ኤክስፕሎረርMicrosoft Windows Software Explorer
Microsoft ሶፍትዌር የፈቃድ ውሎችMicrosoft Software License Terms
Windows 7 ሶፍትዌር ዓርማWindows 7 software logo
ለስላሳ መሰረዝsoft delete
መቆጣጠሪያ ሶፍትዌርmonitoring software
ማጥራትና ማለስለስSharpen and Soften
ቀላል ሃይፈንsoft hyphen
አይፈለጌ ሶፍትዌር ጫኝsoftware bundler
የማይፈለግ ሶፍትዌርunwanted software
የሶፍትዌር ፈቃድ ሰጪ የንግድ ተገልጋይSoftware Licensing Commerce Client
የሩቅ ቁጥጥር ሶፍትዌርremote control software
የአገልጋይ ሶፍትዌርserver software
ጎጂ ሶፍትዌርmalicious software
ፀረማልዌር ሶፍትዌርantimalware software
ፀረስፓይዌር ሶፍትዌርantispyware software
ጸረ-ቫይረስ ሶፍትዌርantivirus software

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