Bosnian to English glossary of Microsoft terms

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brza porukainstant message
brza poruka van mrežeoffline instant message
dolazna porukaincoming message
govorna porukavoice message
Internet Message Access ProtocolInternet Message Access Protocol
klasa porukemessage class
poruka e-pošteemail message
poruka e-poštee-mail message
poruka raspoloženjamood message
poruka upozorenjawarning message
poslati brzu porukuinstant message
Skype porukeSkype messages
slati tekstualnu porukusend text message
SMS porukaSMS message
spisak porukamessage list
tekstualna porukatext message
tijelo porukemessage body
traka za porukemessage bar
video porukavideo message
video porukevideo messages
zaglavlje porukemessage header

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