Bosnian to English glossary of Microsoft terms

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birač stilastyle picker
Brzi odabir stilaQuick Styles
Galerija stilova obrubaBorder Styles gallery
lista stilovastyle sheet
Obični stilNormal style
područje stilovastyle area
povezana tabela stilalinked style sheet
prikaz stilalayout style
proširivi jezik za opis stilovaExtensible Stylesheet Language
provjera stilastyle inspector
referentni stilreference style
Skup brzih stilovaQuick Style set
stil animacijeanimation style
stil fontafont style
stil grafikonachart style
stil osnovebase style
stil paragrafaparagraph style
stil popisalist style
stil štampanjaprint style
stil tabeletable style
stil zaglavljaheading style
stil znakacharacter style
stil zvukaaudio style
Stilovi za slikePicture Styles
tranzicioni stilovitransition style
ugrađeni stilbuilt-in style
Video stiloviVideo Styles

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