Basque to English glossary of Microsoft terms

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aurkezpen-paketepresentation package
CAL paketeCAL pack
gailuaren metadatu-paketedevice metadata package
gai-paketetheme pack
hizkuntza-paketelanguage pack
hizkuntza-pakete bakarsingle language pack
kudeaketa-paketemanagement pack
Language Interface PackLanguage Interface Pack
metadatu-paketemetadata package
Microsoft Office Language PackMicrosoft Office Language Pack
Microsoft Office Multi-Language PackMicrosoft Office Multi-Language Pack
Office Language PackOffice Language Pack
Office Multi-Language PackOffice Multi-Language Pack
Outlook Connector Pack paketeOutlook Connector Pack
PAC konfigurazio fitxategiaproxy auto-config file
Pakete lokalLocal Pack
Pakete-garatzaileaPackage Deployer
S/I eskaera-paketeI/O request packet
soluzio-paketesolution package
Windows 8 Media Center PackWindows 8 Media Center Pack
Windows 8 Pro paketeWindows 8 Pro Pack
XML hedapen-paketeXML expansion pack
Zerbitzu-paketeservice pack

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