Basque to English glossary of Microsoft terms

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8 biteko kolore8-bit color
atzeko planoaren kolorebackground color
aurreko planoaren koloreforeground color
kolore analogoakanalogous colors
kolore orokoraccent color
kolore osagarricomplementary colors
kolore-arrapalacolor ramp
kolore-banaketacolor separation
kolore-eskemacolor scheme
kolore-espaziocolor space
kolore-espazioaren bihurketacolor-space conversion
kolore-espazioaren ereducolor space model
kolore-gamacolor gamut
kolore-koadrocolor box
kolore-profilcolor profile
koloretako inprimagailucolor printer
koloretako monitorecolor monitor
kolorez kodetu, kolore-kodea duencolor-coded

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