Croatian to English glossary of Microsoft terms

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Drugi telefonOther Phone
imenikphone book
integracija telefonaphone integration
jezik telefonaphone language
Kontrole telefonaPhone Controls
kućni telefon, telefon kod kućehome phone
lakši pristupphone accessibility
mobilni telefonmobile phone
mobitelcell phone
Moj Windows PhoneMy Windows Phone
način telefonaphone mode
pametni telefonsmart phone
PBX telefonPBX phone
Poslano s mog Windows PhoneaSent from my Windows Phone
Postavke telefona…Phone Settings…
pozivanje telefonacall phones
Prikaži ovaj broj telefonaPublish this phone number
pronađi moj telefonFind My Phone
Ručna konfiguracija integracije telefonaManually Configure Phone Integration
Službeni telefonBusiness Phone
Službeni telefonWork Phone
stolni telefondesk phone
Telefon kod kućeHome Phone
telefonski broj tvrtkecompany phone
telefonski pozivphone call
Telefonski pristup u ExchangeExchange by Phone
Unesi URI telefonaEnter phone URI
Windows PhoneWindows Phone
Windows Phone popis za čitanjeWindows Phone Reading List
Windows Phone trgovinaWindows Phone Store
zapisnik telefonskog razgovoraphone log

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