Chinese to English glossary of Microsoft terms

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Azure PassAzure Pass
Microsoft .NET Passport 唯一标识符Microsoft .NET Passport unique identifier
RADIUS 一次性密码RADIUS One-Time Password
Windows 密码Windows password
WS 联合身份验证被动请求者配置文件WS-Federation Passive Requestor Profile
Xbox Music PassXbox Music Pass
一次性密码one-time password
传入机制passing mechanism
传递查询pass-through query
传递语句pass-through statement
传递顺序pass order
倒推backward pass
分布式密码验证distributed password authentication
发送者提供的密码sender password
呼叫限制密码call barring password
图片密码picture password
安全密码验证协议Shiva Password Authentication Protocol
家庭组密码homegroup password
密码传播password propagation
密码同步password synchronization
密码复制策略Password Replication Policy
密码提供程序password provider
密码窃取程序password stealer
密码策略password policy
密码策略选项Password Policy option
密码管理员password administrator
密码设置容器Password Settings Container
密码设置对象Password Settings object
密码重置password reset
布局过程layout pass
弱密码weak password
强密码strong password
恢复密码recovery password
恢复密码文件recovery password file
所有者密码owner password
明文密码clear-text password
激活密码activation password
用户密码user password
登机牌boarding pass
网络密码network password
被动客户端passive client
被动屏蔽passive screening
计算传递calculation pass
设备密码device password
通行短语pass phrase
通过模式Pass Through mode
配置阶段configuration pass
随机密码设置random password setting

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