English to Korean dictionary of SAP terms

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actual count date실사일
actual inventory count date재고실사일
annual inventory count연간재고실사
complete inventory count완료재고실사
count status실사상태
count, to실사
count, to실사하다
counted stock실사완료재고
counted stock볼륨기준 리베이트 가능 누적수량
counting result실사결과
country of origin원산국
country of origin누적입고수량
country of purchase구매국
cycle counting순환실사
cycle counting운송비용이력
cycle counting category순환실사범주
cycle counting category운송비용비율
cycle counting indicator순환실사지시자
cycle counting indicator납품일
document for which count complete실사완료문서
document for which count incomplete실사미완료문서
entry of counting results실사결과입력
group counter그룹카운터
physical inventory count재고실사
physical inventory count가격지정지시자
planned inventory count date계획재고실사일
planned inventory count date주요전기
quantity of stock counted실사한 재고수량
reservation counter예약카운터
third country제3국

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