English to Korean dictionary of SAP terms

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automatcially generated schedule line자동생성 납품일정라인
automatic generation of delivery schedule lines납품일정라인 자동생성
firm schedule line확정일정라인
firm schedule line (with production go-ahead)확정일정라인 (생산진행)
inventory posting line item재고전기 개별품목
line category라인범주
line increment라인증분
line layout라인레이아웃
line structure라인구조
material to be provided item line공급예정자재 품목라인
order item schedule line오더품목 납품일정라인
posting line전기라인
posting line identification전기라인확인
product line제품라인
production line생산라인
provisional schedule line임시납품일정라인
quantity field related to document line item문서개별품목에 관련된 수량필드
schedule line납품일정라인
schedule line (purchasing document)납품일정라인 (구매문서)
schedule line (purchasing document)특별재고지시자
schedule line (requirements plan)일정라인 (소요계획)
schedule line (scheduling agreement)납품일정라인 (납품일정계약)
schedule line (scheduling agreement)납품일정 라인 (납품일정계약)
schedule line (scheduling agreement)표준가격
schedule line (with materials go-ahead)납품일정라인 (진행자재)
schedule line category납품일정라인범주
schedule line date납품일정라인일
schedule line delivery date납품일정라인납풍일
schedule line quantity납품일정라인수량
schedule line time spot납품일정라인시점
scheduled quantity (delivery schedule line)납품일정수량 (납품일정라인)
scheduled quantity (delivery schedule line)저장소에서 반출될 재고
time-spot schedule line시점납품일정라인
time-spot schedule line입고전기일

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