English to Korean dictionary of SAP terms

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batch for which physical inventory can be carried out재고실사 수행가능 Batch
buffer stock physical inventory버퍼재고 재고실사
buffer stock physical inventory difference버퍼재고 재고실사 차이
capable of inclusion in physical inventory재고실사에 포함가능
capable of inclusion in physical inventory운송업체
cycle physical inventory순환실사
cycle physical inventory납품지시
date of physical inventory재고실사일
inventory adjustment due to physical inventory재고실사에 따른 재고조정
inventory adjustment due to physical inventory품목범주
material to be included in physical inventory재고실사포함 자재
materials to be included in physical inventory재고실사포함 자재
monitoring of physical inventory재고실사 모니터링
person responsible for the physical inventory재고실사책임자
physical inventory재고실사
physical inventory가격지정
physical inventory (stocktaking)재고실사
physical inventory blocking indicator재고실사 보류지시자
physical inventory count재고실사
physical inventory count가격지정지시자
physical inventory data재고실사데이터
physical inventory document재고실사문서
physical inventory document가격차이
physical inventory history재고실사이력
physical inventory history가격차이계정
physical inventory history file재고실사이력파일
physical inventory history record재고실사이력레코드
physical inventory indicator재고실사지시자
physical inventory list재고실사리스트
physical inventory management재고실사관리
physical inventory price재고실사가격
physical inventory procedure재고실사절차
physical inventory proposal list재고실사제안리스트
physical inventory recount재고재실사
physical inventory statistics재고실사통계
physical inventory status재고실사상태
physical inventory stock type재고실사재고유형
physical inventory valuation재고실사평가
physical stock실제재고
planned date of physical inventory재고실사계획일
stock for which physical inventory can be carried out재고실사를 실행할 수 있는 재고
stock to be included in physical inventory재고실사포함 재고

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